Apocalyptic Escape

Made for Trijam #216. The theme is Not enough resources. I made an Apocalyptic endless runner, where you are running from rooftop to rooftop in a futuristic barren world. The building shakes to show earthquakes and particle rain for effect—dark ambiance.

The limited resource is your energy which affects how you play the game.

Key controls are up or space to jump, you have a double jump but it uses energy, so manage them well.  Collect energy drinks to increase your energy. Avoid colliding with buildings.


Starts are random so avoid getting a big building at the start. Some buildings can be walked off saving jump energy.


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This had some great artwork!
I really enjoyed the shaking of the buildings, that's a subtle but golden detail.

Thanks, I really struggle with artwork, the mechanics I get through it quickly. Trying to add more game juice as time allows. I wanted to add a feature where buildings collapse, but time limits.

The art looks great! My only suggestion would be to make the important gameplay elements brighter and more vibrant (higher value and saturation) so they're easier to make out and the background darker and more muted. Admittedly, this is easier to do in games that are more colorful, and you don't want to lose the nice gray urban look you have now.

If you're adding more juice, it would be cool if there were something to make the jump/doublejump state clear just by looking, so that hopefully that information could be removed from the UI altogether.

it had great art and story nice work i made game too (bvb guess)if u want check it and give me some tip